
Indoor Softball - GIVE IT A GO

from 6:00pm Sun, 9 Sep 2018
to 8:00pm Sun, 16 Sep 2018

by Angie Johnston
Posted: over 6 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Wellington
Reminder: None
Ends: 8:00pm Sunday 16 September 2018 (duration is 7 days)


9 a side – Inclusive Indoor Softball that is … Super Scoring
Fantastic, Fun, Fast & Furious
Walter Nash Venue – 6.15pm – 9.15pm September 9, 16
 $5 per person
Common Rules
 Mixed teams, minimum of 3 females per team
 14 years & under = score extra point
 40+ years = score extra point
 Female score = extra point
 1 hour game
 Play 10 minutes and swap = 3 offence & 3 defence
 Bat through in same batting order
 Slowpitch arc or soft curve pitch – 3 pitches only; pitch to your own team; pitcher must not impede any attempts to field the ball by the defence
 Alternatively you can “soft toss” from the side if preferred
 If the 3rd pitch is missed = out
 Substitutions allowable only at the changeover. Batters must remain in the same order
 Last batter. Play stops when the catcher has the ball
 The pitcher is the last batter in the order to bat. Any team member can replace them to pitch
 For safety reasons, players 10 years and under must play in the outfield
 Gloves are preferable but optional.
 Lite flight balls will be provided along with 2 bats and a tee (optional)
 7 players on defence – Catcher, 1st Base, 2nd Base, 3rd Base, Roving infielder, 2 x Outfielders
 2 players must be rotated out and in every defensive innings
 All 9 players must take the field at some time during the game
 All caught balls are an out – whether on the full or off a net. The batter baserunner goes to the bench.
 There is no tagging up on caught fly balls. Base runners stay on or return to the base they occupied at the time of the catch
 On a ground ball, the fielding team earns a point for getting a force or tag out at any base
 On a ground ball, the batter base runner stays on the base regardless of whether they were safe or out
 There is the potential to double up points by making a double play
 If a force play is made at home plate, the run does not score.
 9 batters form the hitting line up
 No Bunting, stealing or sliding
 Batters are encouraged to drop bats on the foam mat provided
 Use of a tee is optional
 Baserunners can only leave base when the ball is hit (no lead offs)
 Automatic homerun for hitting the end wall on the full. If the ball is caught off the wall = out


Walter Nash Centre

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