from 6:00pm Sun, 9 Sep 2018
to 8:00pm Sun, 16 Sep 2018
by Angie Johnston
Posted: over 6 years ago
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Time zone: Wellington
Reminder: None
8:00pm Sunday 16 September 2018
(duration is 7 days)
9 a side – Inclusive Indoor Softball that is … Super Scoring
Fantastic, Fun, Fast & Furious
Walter Nash Venue – 6.15pm – 9.15pm September 9, 16
$5 per person
Common Rules
Mixed teams, minimum of 3 females per team
14 years & under = score extra point
40+ years = score extra point
Female score = extra point
1 hour game
Play 10 minutes and swap = 3 offence & 3 defence
Bat through in same batting order
Slowpitch arc or soft curve pitch – 3 pitches only; pitch to your own team; pitcher must not impede any attempts to field the ball by the defence
Alternatively you can “soft toss” from the side if preferred
If the 3rd pitch is missed = out
Substitutions allowable only at the changeover. Batters must remain in the same order
Last batter. Play stops when the catcher has the ball
The pitcher is the last batter in the order to bat. Any team member can replace them to pitch
For safety reasons, players 10 years and under must play in the outfield
Gloves are preferable but optional.
Lite flight balls will be provided along with 2 bats and a tee (optional)
7 players on defence – Catcher, 1st Base, 2nd Base, 3rd Base, Roving infielder, 2 x Outfielders
2 players must be rotated out and in every defensive innings
All 9 players must take the field at some time during the game
All caught balls are an out – whether on the full or off a net. The batter baserunner goes to the bench.
There is no tagging up on caught fly balls. Base runners stay on or return to the base they occupied at the time of the catch
On a ground ball, the fielding team earns a point for getting a force or tag out at any base
On a ground ball, the batter base runner stays on the base regardless of whether they were safe or out
There is the potential to double up points by making a double play
If a force play is made at home plate, the run does not score.
9 batters form the hitting line up
No Bunting, stealing or sliding
Batters are encouraged to drop bats on the foam mat provided
Use of a tee is optional
Baserunners can only leave base when the ball is hit (no lead offs)
Automatic homerun for hitting the end wall on the full. If the ball is caught off the wall = out
Walter Nash Centre
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